When purchasers or prospects plan to buy a custom stationary scissor lift table from global market, they often encounter the question that whether the scissor lift manufacturer can provide real suitable equipment for their business. After all, the manufacturer cannot personally see their installation environment and work scenario especially in international trade.

But things are changed now in that we have introduced 3D virtual design technology to simulate each customer’s real work site in which the stationary scissor lift will be installed. To clarify, let’s have a look on how the 3D virtual design technology work in practice.

3D design

Firstly, after customers send us a quote about https://www.mornlift.com/scissor-lift/stationary scissor lift tables, our technical sales team will immediately contact them to confirm for what use they buy the lift and meanwhile ask them for a HD picture of their installation environment.

Then, on receiving the customer’s work site picture, our professional stationary scissor lift table engineers and designers will carefully study it and draw a 3D design picture as per specified scale with CAD or SolidWorks software. After that, a virtual stationary scissor lift model will be added to the targeted place on the 3D drawing.


Afterwards, the well designed 3D design drawing will be sent to the customer who then checks out whether the virtual stationary scissor lift table installation site meet the intended needs. If so, we will arrange factory workers to manufacture the scissor lift table after all other parameters and configurations are confirmed. If some amendments should be done to improve the 3D design drawing, our designers will amply figure out customer’s suggestions, based on which, the amendments will be implemented rightly until it caters to the customer’s needs.


The 3D virtual design drawings have effectively reduced customers’ anxiety or doubts about whether the stationary scissor lift manufacturer can provide customized products that are best suitable for their business for them.

For more details about stationary scissor lift table customization or other lift equipment information, please visit the linked website or directly contact us for instant lift solutions.