Design, Manufacture, Installation & Servicing

Free 3D Design
We have an in-house team of qualified design engineers. Free design of cargo lifts will be provided based on customer’s require. The 3D design offers a vivid description of the lift before it put into production.

Construction Preview
3D sketch drawing brings customer real experience and helps the customer understand the cargo lift better. Customer is welcomed to send us your site pictures, showing us the site condition where the lift is supposed to be installed. Our engineer will make designs of the cargo lift properly and put the 3D cargo lift drawing into the site picture. This shows the customer the real effect of how the cargo lift will be installed and how does it looks like. With the accurate design and sketch show, the customer knows clear what the lift will be and how to install and use the lift before they place an order.
Leave a message to us, show us site condition. We will make design and put the 3D drawing in site picture